EASYGETSID - An easy to use script to look up users or group SID's from AD


Hey Everyone,

A while back i needed a way to easily look up Group or User SID's for ad users. I needed to do this in a repetitive way where i could over and over look up individual SID's and just keep a Powershell window open on the side for when i wanted to do it, i could literally just paste in the username and hit enter and then boom, here's your SID !

I knocked up this script within about 20 mins that allows me to do it without having to remember any commands or import any Powershell modules.

It was handy for me a while back when i was working on a project so maybe it will be useful for someone else too.

write-output "
Welcome to the EASYGETSID script By Luke Varley - www.phishandchips.dev

This script will prompt you for all the information required to
Get the sid of a taget user group or account name.

The Script will loop so you can look up multiple accounts.
Import-module activedirectory
#declare script
Function EASYSID{
#gather info
Write-Output "Specify if you want to get a user or a group sid"

$GroupOrUser = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter 1 for User or 2 for Group"

$Target = Read-Host -Prompt "Input The name of the user or group you want the sid for"
#new line
write-host "";
write-host "";
#if user display info

if ($GroupOrUser -eq 1) {
get-aduser -identity $Target
else {
#if group display info
if ($GroupOrUser -eq 2) {
get-adgroup -identity $Target
else {
#if anything else show error and loop function
Write-Output "INVALID, Enter 1 for user or 2 for group"
#new line and exit reminder
Write-Host "";
Write-Host "";
Write-Output "Press CRTL-C to exit"
#start loop function
#end script


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