Finding the max size of a tiered storage space - Windows Server 2022

As part of the work I have done in my homelab with tiered storage on Server 2022 storage spaces, here is a script I created that allows you to easily find the max size of a tiered storage space

Drop this in a .ps1 file and watch it go:

write-output "
Welcome to the EASYTIERSIZEMAX script.

By Luke Varley  -

This script will allow you to easily Calculate the max size of a Tiered Storage Spaces
Virtual Disk when you add new a SSD or HDD.

Read the comments in the script for instructions

#Created with knowledge obtained from
 Philippe Tschumi

$vdisks = Get-VirtualDisk
foreach ($vdisk in $vdisks){
    $storagetiers = Get-StorageTier -VirtualDisk $vdisk
    foreach ($storagetier in $storagetiers){
        # ResiliencySettingName can be Mirror, Simple or Parity depending on your deployment
        $tier = $storagetier | Get-StorageTierSupportedSize -ResiliencySettingName Simple # edit ResiliencySettingName
        $tiermin = ($tier.TierSizeMin/1GB)
        $tiermax = ($tier.TierSizeMax)/1GB
        $tierdivisor = ($tier.TierSizeDivisor)/1GB
        $object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property (@{
            'vDisk'= $vdisk.FriendlyName;
            'StorageTier'= $storagetier.FriendlyName
            'TierSizeMin'= $tiermin;
            'TierSizeMax'= $tiermax;
            'TierSizeDivisor'= $tierdivisor
        $diskdata += $object
$diskdata | Select-Object vDisk, StorageTier, TierSizeMin, TierSizeDivisor, TierSizeMax | ft -AutoSize

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Removing tiered storage spaces - Windows Server 2022

As part of the work I have done in my homelab with tiered storage on Server 2022 storage spaces , here is a script I created that allows you...